Friday, August 29, 2014

My heart exposed

This has been a trying week spiritually for The Langford's. Daily one or both of us were faced with news or found ourselves in conversations that broke us and left us drained. Literally from the start of the week Satan got daily pleasure in seeing us ending the day with heavy hearts and questioning minds.

A dearly loved compromising on their faith and their stand for Christ.

A preacher swaying towards the world to draw a crowd.

A spirit of Anti-Christ spreading lies and deceit all over the world

Hurt, lost souls who aren't in church because of how they were treated because of their past.

My mind is full of thoughts and my heart is full of emotions. I want to shake people, wag fingers of judgement in their face, throw a few dozen Bibles at them and tell them to learn themselves a thing or two! But that is not what God has called me to do. Right now... He's called me to prayer and fasting. He's called me to seek Him while He deals with things.

Dearly Loved, 
   Don't forget what God has done for you and all He's blessed You with. Soon, if you don't truly do all to glory God, He will remove His anointing and covering. That is a scary place to be.

   You don't need to speak secular jokes and words to win a crowd. That's not what matters. You worry about your audience of One and He will draw souls to you because they see HIM in you.

Man of Deceit,
   You may have fooled many, but God will overcome. As Christians rise up and call you on your lies, you will  be brought down. Repent... Blasphemy is not something to mess with.

Hurting One,
   On behalf of "my people" I'm sorry. It is not a Christian's job to judge and condemn. It is our job to love you to Christ and show you through the Word right from wrong. Those who turned you away will answer for that. Let me show you the love of Christ. A passionate love. A pure love. A love that draws you to salvation and The Lord.