Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Quiet Time

I've had it come up in my life a lot lately about spending intentional quiet time with God. Preaching, devotions, blog posts (like Amanda Carroll's), a husband's nudging... reminding me to not get so caught up in life, social media, nothingness and forget/not have time for God.

I'm making an intentional choice to remove myself from social media for a while. Not delete any accounts, just not waste my time there when I can feel my time with God lacking and desperately need to connect deeply with my Friend.

I feel there is so much He wants to do for me and through me. I feel He's asking things of me that I'm not quite able to yield to Him. He's wanting to use me in a specifically mighty way and I'm limiting all of that because I'm not pursuing Him like I should.

Keep me in prayer while I seek after God and dive into a deeper relationship with Him.