Monday, July 20, 2015

It's An Unfair Fight

.....for the enemy!

"The Devil's been really fighting {insert name here}"

I HATE HATE HATE that phrase!

When you think about it... For the born-again Christian who is serving God it's no different than me getting into a fist fight with my 1 year old godson and saying "Man, he has really been beating me up! I need help fending him off!".

That sounds absurd!

Now, if I just sat there and let him slap me around... yeah it would start to hurt, but even then not badly. But it's because I LET him. The minute I take control I easily overpower him because I am stronger than he is.

It's the same thing in the Christian/Spiritual realm. Satan only beats up on us because WE allow it to happen. We can easily and in an instant take control and he has no more power over us.

The only person who truly had to battle Satan was Jesus, and because He did we don't have to.

So... stop letting him!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Praying For Your {future} Spouse

I got tagged in a Facebook post this morning by my best friend saying we should start praying over our husband's every day and attached was a link to this page. It is a great template to follow to pray specifically over your husband. And I'm excited to do it! Then I got to wondering if there was one for husbands to use... I found one here!

A little later I saw a post on another friend's page about his "singleness" and I commented on it. He later on texted both my husband and I and I tried to encourage him in the waiting. That also got me thinking... This is also a great template for those who are waiting for God to send their spouse their way.

My husband and I are a perfect example of "in God's time". I had just ended a going-nowhere relationship with the desire to focus on God and He was a bachelor for many years with no intention of remarrying. God brought us together at the perfect time and we've literally had a Heaven on Earth marriage.

I want to encourage you to take an active role in praying for your spouse. You have the greatest influence and know better than anyone what their needs and desires are.

Singles - While you are praying for your future spouse, ask God how you can work in this current season. What can He use you to do right now that may not be possible once you are married. Each season of life comes with it's own responsibilities and priorities. Learn what you can do now and then as life changes, seek God for a new work to do.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Be A Missionary Every Day...

Tell the world that Jesus is the way!
Be it any town or country or a busy avenue…
Africa or Asia, the task is up to you! So….

Be a missionary every day
Tell the world that Jesus is the way!
The Lord is soon returning: there is no time to lose, so….
(CLAP), Be a missionary…(CLAP), God’s own emissary…
(CLAP) Be a missionary today!


We sang this song in Sunday School as kids. One of those upbeat, group participation songs that everyone borderline yelled. Oh the memories :)

As I think about my sweet friends the Shafer's and how they packed up everything and moved their family to Peru to work and be missionaries I feel a twinge of jealousy. I want to do that. I want to be used big (in my opinion) to build the Kingdom! I've wanted to work in Peru since I was a little girl. I don't know why Peru, but that's where I wanted to go. I was praying and God spoke very clearly to me... "Work as a missionary where you are called now". So as I thought about how to do that I thought I would make a list in case anyone else has wondered the same thing...

•Pass out fliers with your church service times and directions on it

•Make a "Blessing Bag" to have at the ready
     There are several routes you can take here... homeless, elderly, new mom, etc...

•Work with your church to organize outreaches

•Give expecting nothing in return
     Buy a restaurant/retail gift card and leave it for a neighbor/friend/co-worker/stranger

•Take up donations for your church's or city's food pantry

 •Pray for...
     Your Neighborhood
     Your City
     Your County
     Your State
     The area your church is in
•When someone you know asks for prayer for a need, pray right then with them!

•Keep different cards on hand to mail out for a sickness, birthday, thinking of you occasion.

•Don't say "If you need help, let me know". Instead say... "What do you need help with?".

If you have anymore ideas... feel free to share!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Love of Christ

The love of God is greater far
  Than tongue or pen can ever tell.
It goes beyond the highest star
  And reaches to the lowest hell.

O love of God, how rich and pure!
  How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure—
    The saints’ and angels’ song.

   This old hymn was written by Frederick Martin Lehman. It's a beautiful song. I encourage you to click here to listen!.

   God has been dealing with me A LOT lately about showing the love of Christ to EVERYONE! Teaching me that part of worship (which I'm passionate about) is living out the love of Christ in my daily life. Anything from a smile to spending my time and money. People express and receive love in so many ways. You never know if just a "hello" will brighten up someone's day.

   Oh to express the same type of love God has displayed to me! That is the challenge God has given to me in this season of life... show HIS love to people every day. It's not always about preaching His Word. Revelation 12:11 says "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.". We need to LIVE the Word, not just SPEAK the Word.

   THAT is how we win lost souls to Christ!